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New Year Immune Makeover

How’s 2018 going for you?

Did you have intentions to eat better or maybe go for a Dry January (no alcohol)? Maybe you’re struggling or springing your way along this January…

Wherever you are, we have a few energising recipes we’d like to share with you that we developed with the help of Smoothie Superstar Tim Michell.

We hope they inspire you to add some nourishing foods to your month and beyond….

New Year Intentions

Over indulgence in the festive weeks can leave us feeling tired and guilty come the New Year and with lots of detox diets being offered on social media and magazines it’s often hard to know which ones are going to work for you…it can be confusing.

But let’s just get clear on one thing…detoxing your body is not the same as cleansing your body.


Detoxing is the practice of supporting your liver and kidneys which are two of your main detox pathways. They need rest periodically, especially after all that rich Christmas food!

To help us to gain more energy and to start releasing toxins from our bodies via these channels we can stop or reduce consuming certain foods and drinks (these include alcohol, fried foods, white flour products, sweets and coffee). Here at Equinox we are all drinking more water, eating more nutrient dense foods, including fermented foods and introducing new flavours which support the body’s natural detox process.

The liver loves sour flavours whilst the kidneys love salty flavours.

When eating salt, its best to chose an unprocessed salt like Atlantic sea salt which is trace mineral rich (surprisingly it contains double that of Himalayan salt). Don’t be afraid of healthy salt. If you have low blood pressure, you could be low in real salt so you should consider getting tested by a health professional for your sodium levels.

Some sour foods to try are lemons and limes, kimchi and sauerkraut, tamarind, Greek yogurt or raw coconut yogurt if you’re vegan and of course Kombucha!


Cleansing has the main focus of cleaning out the digestive tract (small intestine) and colon from toxins, pathogens (such as parasites) and putrid undigested foods. Simpler, more nourishing foods and mindful eating will support you through a cleanse as will the right herbs and supplements.

Our favourite cleanse in the office is bentonite clay with psyllium husk followed by a nutrient dense Kombucha smoothie 45 minutes afterwards. The recipes are below that will keep you feeling nourished and energised!

Blended foods are fantastic to rest the digestive tract and you’ll have more energy, feel lighter and think clearer after you’ve cleansed your intestines

Both cleansing and detoxing will help to remove toxins such as pesticides, heavy metals, yeasts and possibly bacteria and virus’ that could lead to acute and long term health issues.

Your gut health determines your immune system health! 70% or more of your immune system lives in your gut so, if you’re getting sick a lot, have foggy thinking, fatigue or you’ve generally lost your lust for life then look to your gut health and consider introducing a Kombucha smoothie each day.

Kombucha contains acetic acids, which are known to be antimicrobial and beneficial for gut health.

Remember to eat some protein if you’re prone to blood sugar swings. Everyone is different so you must monitor what does and doesn’t work for you.  This is why off-the-shelf cleanses work for some and not for others.

And lastly…the recipes are coming, promise!

Going organic and reducing drinks/food  that are packaged in plastic is also a great way to reduce the toxins going into your body and in addition contributes to helping the environment too.

We’re pleased to hear that Theresa May has announced the phasing out of plastic packaging. It’s a long way off and no doubt irreparable damaged has already been caused by plastic to our Earth however we can start to make changes now. Lets all do our bit.

Equinox Kombucha is Organic and comes in a glass bottle which is fully recyclable…by the way!

Remember we have an offer code still running until the end of January. You can receive 15% off your order in our online shop by using the code JANFB2018 at the checkout.

Try this cleansing “Green Gaia” smoothie recipe this January.

Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoy the recipes…there are more on our blog page.

Gentle Bentonite and Psyllium cleanse

  • 1 rounded tsp psyllium husks or psyllium powder
  • 1 level tsp edible bentonite clay powder
  • 250 ml ounces of water
  • 250 ml water, kombucha or juice

Place the water in a shaker or glass then add the psyllium and bentonite clay powder. Shake or whisk vigorously to mix the ingredients together then drink immediately before it thickens. Important: Follow with 250 ml of plain water, kombucha or juice.

Allow at least 45 mins before eating. Can be taken in between meals up to 3 x day for up to 2 weeks.

Happy Cleansing!



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