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Interview with Claire & Sarah from Healthy Twists

We caught up with recipe creators and food photographers Claire & Sarah from Healthy Twists to find out more about their food blogging business, their love affair with healthy recipes and why eating well is so important to them. We also learn more about how they got into blogging and how they balance their work […]

We caught up with recipe creators and food photographers Claire & Sarah from Healthy Twists to find out more about their food blogging business, their love affair with healthy recipes and why eating well is so important to them. We also learn more about how they got into blogging and how they balance their work with a bringing up a family!

When did you first start Healthy Twists and what inspired you?

We came up with the idea just before our 40th Birthdays. Our youngest children and just started school and we were feeling, fed up, a little lost and wondering what our purpose was. So we started by deciding we needed to be healthier and it spiralled from there.

What is your favourite type of recipe to create?

Any recipe that the whole family will enjoy!

Why is healthy eating so important to you?

There are so many reasons! Claire has various food intolerances and suffers from painful bloating and we are women of a certain age so it helps our hormones. Sarah’s eldest son had a liver transplant when he was 2 so it’s really important to keep him fuelled well. There’s type 2 diabetes in both our families so it is important we feed them balanced meals that sustain them, help cholesterol levels and don’t freak out their blood sugar levels. There is a childhood migraine sufferer – another reason to balance blood sugars. There’s a selection of teenagers too and they need to be supported through nutritious food while they battle the stress of the education system and their ever-changing bodies!

How do you balance your work with being mums?

Yikes, there’s a good one! We work around the children’s school day times – meaning we can normally do the drop-off and be there to see how their days have been at pick up. This is very important to us. Often when we finally get them to bed we’ll work in the evenings but try to avoid this – as well as managing our work schedules so that we can spend dedicated time with them in the school holidays.

What do you enjoy most about food blogging?

We’ve met some great people that we never would have become friends with through this strange and unexpected mid-life career twist. Along with taking part in some very unexpected events that have made us laugh and cringe in equal measure! We love creating tasty recipes that we can share with people who love food as much as we do and our recipes mean no one should miss out on a tasty meal, breakfast or dessert.

What did you both do before Healthy Twists?

Claire was a Landscape Architect and Sarah wishes she had done something that she could explain in one word – within arts, literature and innovation in the UK!

What are your favourite things to do outside of food blogging and recipe creating?

We love to get out in the fresh air! We are average runners, yoga lovers and tree huggers. Claire has a passion for photography and is a plant addict who loves her garden. Sarah has forgotten but spends a lot of time supporting her boys on the football field – Sarah loves to read and is an accomplished pianist.

When were you first introduced to Equinox Kombucha?

Ooooh about 2 years ago.

What do you like about it?

We love the health benefits and the Equinox flavour combinations are glorious.

What are your favourite things to cook (or bake) with kombucha?

OMG, this ginger cake!!! Recipe here.

When do you usually drink it? (morning, evening, weekends?)

Late morning as a pick me up.

Have you noticed any benefits of the drink?

Yes, it’s refreshing and keeps us focused.

What are your favourite flavours?

Claire loves the Raspberry and Elderflower and the Peach and Turmeric – Sarah’s favourite is the Pink Grapefruit and Guava and we both adore the Ginger!

What’s next for Healthy Twists?

We’ve so many exciting plans – getting out of the kitchen more and collaborating with so many of the brilliant people we’ve met and sharing our adventures with our readers, watches and soon we hope listeners!



Go on then... what on earth is this stuff??Read more


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