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Interview with Up and Coming Surfer, Logan Nicol

Logan Nicol, aspiring pro surfer and dedicated kombucha drinker, answered all of our questions, telling us about his love for surfing and why he’s so besotted with booch! We find out more about Logan’s routine, the relationship between exercise and mental health, pre-contest rituals, stress management and post-surfing tips! When did you first get into […]

Logan Nicol, aspiring pro surfer and dedicated kombucha drinker, answered all of our questions, telling us about his love for surfing and why he’s so besotted with booch! We find out more about Logan’s routine, the relationship between exercise and mental health, pre-contest rituals, stress management and post-surfing tips!

When did you first get into surfing and how?

I first got into surfing when I was 9 years old and was introduced to the sport by my Dad! I’ve been crazy about it ever since.

Do you have any pre-contest rituals?

Before a contest, I try to listen to some good music to get me amped up and keep my body loose and warm. A swig of Kombucha before a heat has been a go to recently. Although I usually enjoy a bottle of Equinox after I surf!

How many days a week do you surf?

I surf every single day! I am also a surf coach so in between coaching I will fit in surfs as well as before and after work. Being consistent in surfing is essential to getting good results.

What other exercise do you enjoy?

I’ve recently got into running, no long distances or anything just a few miles here and there and I’m enjoying it! Besides that I try to hit the gym as much as I can. But when there’s waves, there’s only one thing I’m doing!

How important is surfing for your mental health?

Surfing plays a big part in my mental health, and I’m sure it is the same for most surfers. I use surfing as my escape. Surfing allows me to enter into a state of flow and any stresses or problems I’m having in my life are forgotten about whilst I’m in the water. If I’m having a bad day, I know once I’m in the ocean it will be made a little bit better.

When were you first introduced to kombucha?

I was first introduced to kombucha when I was in the states and I was hooked straight away. When I came home I found Equinox and was so happy that I could still get my kombucha fix even here in the U.K.!

What do you like about it?

My favourite part of kombucha is the fact that it’s healthy for you. I’m a big soda drinker, so being able to replace an unhealthy drink with a healthier option is really great. The fact that it tastes even better is just a bonus.

When do you usually drink it?

I enjoy drinking kombucha straight after my surf! It’s really refreshing after a long session to have a cold Equinox to re hydrate and get me ready for the next surf!

Have you noticed any benefits of the drink?

I get a nice little energy boost after having a bottle of kombucha and find that I don’t get the “crash” that you would get with other drinks. That’s the biggest benefit I have found from drinking it.

What is your favourite flavour?

My favourite flavour is the Wild Berry, followed very closely by the original!



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