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Is Kombucha Vegan?

Following a vegan diet can be tricky as knowing exactly what goes into our food and drink can get confusing at times, even when it comes to kombucha! We’ve received a number of questions from our vegan customers and followers about this. We are here to bust any myths or misinformation around kombucha and veganism, […]

Following a vegan diet can be tricky as knowing exactly what goes into our food and drink can get confusing at times, even when it comes to kombucha! We’ve received a number of questions from our vegan customers and followers about this. We are here to bust any myths or misinformation around kombucha and veganism, and to give some much needed clarity on the issue and answer the much asked question: is kombucha actually vegan?

Vegan vs Veggie: does it matter when it comes to kombucha?

There seems to be some confusion surrounding veganism and many can still get muddled between a vegan diet and a vegetarian diet, whilst others choose to adopt a flexible approach. So, what are the differences? 

A vegetarian diet only excludes meat and fish but includes other products that come from animals, such as dairy (i.e. cheese and milk) and eggs. Whereas, a vegan diet simply excludes all animal and animal derived products, including meat, dairy, eggs, and even (for the vast majority of vegans) honey. 

That being the case, shouldn’t all kombucha be vegan? Well, not necessarily. In fact, you should be vigilant and always check the label because some kombuchas are not vegan. The main reason for this is that some brands choose to sweeten the drink using honey, which most vegans believe exploits bees in the process. There are nuances around where the honey comes from, which we won’t delve into here.

Is Equinox Kombucha vegan?

At Equinox, we understand that there are many different reasons you may choose to follow a vegan diet, be that for ethical reasons, to better your health, to protect the planet or to save the animals. Whatever your reason, we support you and your desire to make a positive change and want you to rest assured knowing that all our products are consciously 100% vegan!

Equinox Kombucha is fundamentally made from four simple ingredients: the finest organic Chun-Mee Green Tea, Pure Spring Water, Raw Cane Sugar and kombucha culture SCOBY. All are ethically-sourced, organic and vegan.

Now, let’s discuss the one thing causing the most uncertainty, the SCOBY. Yes, SCOBY is a live culture but is actually a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, not an animal product, so, is totally vegan too! Indeed, we actually make our SCOBYs from our own culture at our brewery. 

One thing to watch out for when looking for vegan kombucha is the term ‘natural sweeteners’ and ‘natural flavourings’ as, unless specified, these may contain animal products. At Equinox, we do not use any sweeteners and all our ingredients have been thoroughly checked to be plant-based and specified on the label. Some brands use refined sugar to sweeten their kombucha, which can be filtered through bone char making it not vegan! We choose to make vegan products and have nothing to hide.

How does kombucha support a vegan lifestyle?

We believe that as soon as you choose an alternative to sugary soft drinks or begin making healthier choices, you’re already making a move in the right direction to better your health. However, we believe that choosing kombucha can be particularly beneficial. Kombucha is a great healthy refreshment, that’s naturally low in calories and sugar; as the SCOBY lives on and eats the sugar as part of the fermentation process. Kombucha is also packed with nutrients, antioxidants, organic acids, probiotics and vitamins. Our kombucha is a living drink with live cultures and we believe is an excellent healthy choice to support any lifestyle. Our customers constantly tell us how they feel more energised from drinking a daily Equinox.

Enjoying Equinox Kombucha as part of a vegan diet

You can enjoy Equinox Kombucha in so many ways! Use it as an ingredient in some great vegan recipes or, just like you would with wine, pair it with your favourite vegan dishes and desserts!

Why not try whipping up some Raw Passion Fruit Cheesecakes made from our zesty Pink Grapefruit & Guava Equinox Kombucha? Or, try making some BBQ Pulled Jackfruit Burgers to be perfectly paired with our Peach & Turmeric Kombucha? So whether you are vegan, vegetarian or just looking to make better choices for yourself, Equinox Kombucha is an ideal partner in your journey to health, wellbeing and vitality. 



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