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Let’s debunk some of the most common Kombucha myths

Let’s find out more about the common myths in the Kombucha world! Equinox has been brewing real, living, authentic Kombucha since 2012 when the company was formed by a local Yorkshire couple who returned from a backpacking trip in Asia and wanted to bring the miracle of ‘booch’ back to the UK. Since that time, […]

Let’s find out more about the common myths in the Kombucha world!

Equinox has been brewing real, living, authentic Kombucha since 2012 when the company was formed by a local Yorkshire couple who returned from a backpacking trip in Asia and wanted to bring the miracle of ‘booch’ back to the UK. Since that time, we have never sacrificed our authentic, craft brewing methods, the quality of the organic ingredients that we use in our drinks or the high standards to which we make every bottle and can in our BRC AA food safety factory. But not all Kombucha is made equal and certainly many are not labelled transparently which means there is a lot of misinformation and confusion out there as to what constitutes a real living booch. 

Kombucha Myths 

  1. Kombucha in low in sugar
  2. Kombucha is a cure-all medicine
  3. Kombucha is highly caffeinated
  4. Kombucha is alcoholic
  5. You should only drink Kombucha in small amounts
  6. Kombucha is made from mushrooms
  7. Kombucha is expensive 
  8. Home-brewed is better than shop-bought


1. All Kombucha in low in sugar


The idea that all Kombucha is low in sugar is unfortunately a Kombucha myth! We often talk about Equinox Kombucha being a lower sugar alternative to traditional soft drinks however, not all Kombucha is made equal. Some brands, or homemade batches, will have more sugar than others. Equinox Kombucha contains between 2.6g and 4g per 100ml of sugar. Other Kombucha will be much higher in sugar depending on their brewing process so read those labels!

2. Kombucha is a cure-all medicine


Despite being Kombucha evangelists at Equinox, we don’t believe that Kombucha is a silver bullet when it comes to our health and wellbeing. Whilst real, living Kombucha does offer a range of health benefits, it is not a cure-all remedy, and cannot replace a balanced health regime. Check out our blogs on the health benefits of fermented tea and foods to fight the flu for more information.

3. Kombucha is highly caffeinated


Actually, most Kombucha is low in caffeine. Our Kombucha is brewed using green tea, which naturally contains some caffeine, the majority of which is lost during the fermentation process, a trace amount is left behind; around 7.43mg per 275ml bottle of Equinox to be precise! 

4. Kombucha is alcoholic 


It is true that most commercially brewed Kombuchas do contain varying amounts of alcohol. This is due to the natural fermentation process, during which small amounts of alcohol is produced as a byproduct. Equinox Kombucha contains on average 0.5% ABV. A drink is deemed ’non-alcoholic’ when under 1.2% ABV. Some Kombuchas can contain more alcohol, so, again, it is important to always read the label. 

5. You should only drink Kombucha in small amounts 


Most of our staff drink our Kombucha every day (our MD Daniel has been known to drink up to four bottles a day!), however, like most things, Kombucha is best enjoyed in moderation. We recommend that you drink one to three servings of Kombucha per day, but test how you feel as the overall amount depends on person to person. 

6. Kombucha is made from mushrooms


One of the most common myths about Kombucha is that it’s made from mushrooms when in fact, it contains small quantities of Symbiotic CULTURES of Bacteria and Yeast, otherwise known as SCOBY. The SCOBY is neither a mycelium nor a fungus – it looks a lot like a pancake and contains gut friendly yeasts and bacteria. Each bottle and can of Equinox contain a small amount of living SCOBY which will continue to grow as the Kombucha ages due to the live fermentation process. 

7. Kombucha is expensive


Yet, another false Kombucha myth! Kombucha isn’t your average soft drink. It’s an artisanal drink made from the highest quality ingredients, brewed in small batches. So, we know what you’re thinking – is Kombucha expensive? The simple answer is no, but it can be more expensive than some of the other drinks you may see in the grab-and-go fridge in your local supermarket. That being said, it can also be significantly cheaper than other chilled ‘health drinks’ such as kefir and green juice.

8. Home-brewed is better than shop-bought


Despite being expert booch brewers, we always advocate that you try some home brewing of your own Kombucha. However, there can be some drawbacks! Home-brewed Kombucha can be time consuming and money intensive, and the results will not always be consistent. We often get customers writing to us saying that despite home brewing for years, they buy our booch regularly to save time, money and enjoy our delicious flavours. You can also trust our labels and know that you are drinking a high quality, ethical, organic, low sugar, low alcohol Kombucha due to our rigorous brewing techniques and certifications. 

In summary, we hope that you can now rest assured that many of the conventional myths about Kombucha are not what they are cracked up to be and that you can enjoy your favourite Equinox flavours without any concern. Enjoy!



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