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Equinox: A fresh new company breaking the mould

Flower of Life Ltd (trading as Equinox) is the UK’s leading kombucha brand, we are dedicated to brewing the best organic artisan ‘booch’ you’ve ever tasted since 2012. We discovered the tea whilst backpacking around Asia, and decided to make our own when we returned to the UK. There were a few of us at a loose end so we got together and set up a makeshift micro brewery and started selling Kombucha at local markets. Demand grew so quickly that we soon needed more space to supply the wonder juice to an ever-growing crowd of Kombucha converts.

From these humble beginnings, Equinox has grown rapidly to become the UK market leader, distributing to hundreds of health food stores, cafes and bars across Britain. With our unique process creating an equally as unique delicious taste, it’s easy to see why this product is also flying off the shelves in seven other countries across Northern Europe and Scandinavia.

After winning an award for Best Vegan Drink at Vegfest 2014, Equinox Kombucha was hand-picked by The Grocery Accelerator (a Dragon’s Den-style mentoring programme) in 2015. Grocery Accelerator director Rob Ward believes that part of Equinox’s charm is the fact it’s a fresh, young company that has managed to make a huge breakthrough despite not fitting into the suited and booted corporate landscape.

“It’s a great bunch of people with a family atmosphere, which we look for,” Rob told us. “It’s sincere but fun. There’s a huge personality behind the brand, and the big corporates don’t have that. Chris, the MD, had so much confidence in the product- there was a ‘take-it-or-leave-it’ attitude which we’d never seen before.”

Having our roots in the famously quirky Yorkshire hill town of Hebden Bridge, maybe Equinox was always bound to break the mould.

It’s been far from plain sailing, though. Disaster struck on Boxing Day 2015, when severe floods hit the north of England, leaving whole towns- including Hebden Bridge – deep underwater. With computers and brewing equipment alike floating around in six feet of sludge, we had to literally start again from scratch. Such a huge setback would be enough to test the patience of any company, but Equinox’s positive philosophy was its saving grace. Since then we have managed to rebuild and vastly improve our brewery and have even managed to win 2 Great Taste Awards: a prestigious 2 stars in 2016, and a 1 star award in 2017. We are now in a better position than ever and excited to see what the future will bring! Join the Kombucha Revolution with us!



Go on then... what on earth is this stuff??Read more


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