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What Are The Side Effects of Kombucha Tea?

As we all know you CAN have too much of a good thing and sadly that includes kombucha! Like all utterly delicious things, kombucha should be enjoyed in moderation for a healthy body and mind. At Equinox HQ, most of us enjoy a booch a day as a little natural lift in the afternoon. Very […]

As we all know you CAN have too much of a good thing and sadly that includes kombucha! Like all utterly delicious things, kombucha should be enjoyed in moderation for a healthy body and mind. At Equinox HQ, most of us enjoy a booch a day as a little natural lift in the afternoon. Very few people will experience any negative side effects from drinking kombucha in moderation, but many have reported a range of positive effects from a booch a day! 

Last year, we conducted an 8 week study with over 80 people to see whether they experienced any health and wellbeing benefits from consuming Equinox Kombucha on a daily basis. Reported positive side effects of kombucha included:

  • Improved energy levels 
  • Improved sense of wellbeing
  • Improved sleep quality 
  • Improved gut health

Side effects of kombucha

Higher energy levels

Finding a natural, low sugar and healthy pick-me-up can be a real challenge. Kombucha is a great alternative to energy drinks or coffee to give you that much-needed energy boost throughout the day, and we’re not the only ones who think so! Our study participants reported feeling like they had more energy and felt more positive mentally and emotionally after drinking a kombucha a day over a period of 2 months. Their feedback included:

  • “I feel like I have more energy and have been very sharp at work.”
  • “I feel more focused, present & energised.”
  • “My body feels less toxic and I am excelling in energy levels.”
  • “Overall I have felt more energy when doing my long runs if I drink it an hour before running.”
  • “I feel more energised and positive in general.”

Up and coming surfer and booch enthusiast Logan Nicol also shared that: “I get a nice little energy boost after having a bottle of kombucha and find that I don’t get the “crash” that you would get with other drinks. That’s the biggest benefit I have found from drinking it.” 

So, the next time you reach for yet another coffee or tea, pick up a booch instead!

Improved sense of wellbeing 

We’re firm believers that enjoying a booch after a long day is a great way to exercise some self-care and spread some positivi-tea! Feeling stressed? Enjoy a mindful moment with a kombucha to reset and rebalance. 

Our survey participants reported the following:

  • My mood appears to be calmer.”
  • “I’ve definitely felt and seen a difference in my wellbeing and my skin.”
  • “My overall sense of well-being has improved and I have more energy and focus.”
  • “I feel very well and happy.”

Improved gut health

Fermented foods have long been associated with improved gut health due to the naturally-occuring ‘good bacteria’. Our kombucha is packed full of vitamins, acids, and beneficial bacteria, known to promote a healthy gut and digestion. Many booch lovers find that kombucha helps to reduce bloating and keep ‘em regular (if you know what we mean).

This is echoed in our wellness study, with some participants sharing the following:

  • “I think that it is very possible that the kombucha has helped alleviate my bloating.”
  • “I feel good and it flattens my belly (especially avoids a big belly after a meal).”

England rugby star and Equinox superfan Vicky Fleetwood agrees, saying: “I’ve noticed that it’s really settled my gut and I don’t get the same bloated feeling that I used to”. 

Our Ginger Kombucha is a great place to start if you’re looking for added gut health benefits, as ginger acts as a natural digestive aid.

So, we hope you agree, the positive side effects of Kombucha seem to tell its story for themselves! Why not see for yourself? 

Buy your booch here.



Go on then... what on earth is this stuff??Read more


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