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Is kombucha keto?

Low in sugar and calories, Equinox kombucha is the healthy soft drink that’s made from fermented green tea. It works well with most diets, including Halal, gluten free, vegan, paleo and keto, although it’s always best to check the label as some kombucha brands or homemade kombucha may contain more sugar which isn’t keto-friendly. What […]

Low in sugar and calories, Equinox kombucha is the healthy soft drink that’s made from fermented green tea. It works well with most diets, including Halal, gluten free, vegan, paleo and keto, although it’s always best to check the label as some kombucha brands or homemade kombucha may contain more sugar which isn’t keto-friendly.

What is a Ketogenic diet?

A Ketogenic diet caps your intake of carbohydrates, such as grains, sugar and bread, leaving you with around 80% fat and 20% protein and carbs (from foods such as meat, fish, fruit and veg). Such high fat levels might sound strange, but a low carb diet will put your body into a state of ‘ketosis’ meaning it will burn fat stores for energy as there’s less sugar to feed off. There are loads of reasons why you might want to follow a keto diet, such as managing epilepsy and diabetes, as well as using it for weight-loss.

Is kombucha allowed on a keto diet?

Equinox Kombucha is classed as a low carb kombucha and one of the best kombuchas for keto and here’s why: 100ml of Original Equinox Kombucha contains 3.5 grams of carbs, of which 3 grams is sugar – a keto diet requires an intake of less than 50 grams of carbohydrates a day, which means Equinox Kombucha is perfectly fine to drink in moderation while following a keto diet. However, not all kombuchas are low in sugar, so be sure to check the label.

What about sugar and alcohol content?

Equinox Kombucha is made using a small amount of sugar, most of which is ‘consumed’ by the SCOBY during the fermentation process, leaving very little behind. This process makes it similar to alcohol, which most people following a keto diet tend to avoid. But unlike alcohol, Equinox Kombucha is keto friendly. Want to know more about our fermentation process, take a look at how we make our drinks.

Is a keto diet good for your health?

Like most diets, there are pros and cons. A keto diet can potentially increase cholesterol and the risk of heart disease due to its high fat intake. But it can help weight loss, increase good cholesterol, reduce blood sugar and lower blood pressure. As always, we recommend you do you – find out what’s right for you and your body, and if you’d like to know more about keto, speak to your GP or a dietician.    

Whether you follow a keto diet or not, kombucha makes a great addition to your lifestyle. Better still, it works with so many keto dishes, so why not try kombucha for yourself, you’ll love the way it makes you feel and all of its amazing health benefits.



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